Yesterday morning I finished putting together a bookcase that I bought the other day. I had this wierd youth pastor moment where all I could think of were all of these little life lessons along the way. For instance, when I had tried to put it together before, none of the pieces were fitting together quite right and I had been trying to force them to fit but no such luck. I had just missed one tiny little box on the instruction booklet that told me to point the screws in a certain way and voila - instant reults! It went as smooth as butter after that. So if I were a youth pastor, I would tie it into one of three sermons:
- 1. Life's challenges - perseverance builds character and hope.
- 2. Timing is everything.
- 3. Sometimes what you think you've been missing has been right there all along.
On a different note - last night a bunch of us went out to the Blarney Stone to go dancing - it was SO FUN! The last time I was there was several months ago, I think, and I had met up with some scottish dude. Funny story - he was like following me around the place (or maybe this was in Whistler? I forget) and kept making all of these jokes, so of course I laugh. And then he was like, "What would it take to get you to sleep with me tonight?" in his thick, cocky Scottish drawl. It was over before it began. So I think I said something about, "Well, for starters, you'd have to marry me first," And so he gets down on one knee and proposes:) Oh man... the things boys will do.
So back to last night - it was crazy because we forgot about the time change until late and we didn't get out there till about 11pm... and then it was an hour wait to get in and by the time we did we only had an hour an a hlaf to dance so we jumped right in - that is to say that me and Jaimie got right into the interpretive side of things - no holds bar - disco, grade 7, the robot, gangster, you name it , we did it and before long we had a whole gaggle of people around us doing the same thing - I love it when a crowd comes together!
So by the time we get out of there it's after 2 and with pit stop we don't end up getting home until 3:45, which is really 4:45am. Hee hee, I feel like such a rebel:) (Just let me have my own little fun).
So on the way home, Tom starts talking about something to do with marriage and wanting to find that certain person and it was pretty much unanimous- high fives all around on wanting "our stories" to happen.
Jamie had told this story about her parents, I think, and one day her dad went to this place and saw her mom across the room and said, "that's the girl I'm going to marry" Now the odds were against him at the time because she was 5 or 6 years older, popular and really wanted nothing to do with him at the time, but he pursued it and asked her out on a regular basis. One day, when she was trying to get over someone else (correct me if I'm wrong J) he dropped the Q again and they went on a date - it was all downhill from there.
Man - sometimes I gotta wonder when does my story start or if it has already? I know it has been going since the beginning, but it is definitely in me to want "the story" where you look back and think - yeah, I remember the first time that we met, you spilled your hot dog all over me, or something like that and then's the part when you get to say, "it was all downhill from there":). Sometimes I have to catch myself when I start to be on the lookout for clues - then I have to sit back and let go and let God. I much prefer the times when I feel strong and confident no matter what - then I feel like I have the freedom to laugh and be silly and be myself and not feel like I'm trying to perform to be a certain way or the way I think someone would want me to be - whatever that means:)
OK - think something is wrong with my computer right now cause I can't upload any pics - more on that later.