Ange "the cat" Mandel

Tuesday, December 19, 2006

Take that First Step...

It seems as though once again, April Sisson finds the magical words to say, right when you need them...

"Sometimes you just have to choose to begin."Leap and the net will appear," we are promised. All we have to do is take that first step off the ledge. Boldness does have a certain magic to it. It's something that goes way beyond "if you can see it, you can be it" - although I have no doubt that that is true as well. A leap of faith requires more then just a jump; it requires the ability to absolutely let go of everything that's keeping us on the ledge, including that voice that says it just can't be done.If we feel we have to wait for just the right time and place to come and worship, we have yet to discover the real freedom of worship. Now isn't necessarily the time to worship because every moment is the time to worship. We are called to passionately embrace our God at every turn, through every minute, and in every way possible. If music is your worship, sing loudly. If service is your worship, serve extravagantly. If just being is your worship, live boldly. Jump into worship as bravely as you can jump into life, because the reality is, they are one and the same. Living every moment for the glory of God and to the glory if God is a never-ending adventure that, once begun, you'll never want to end. Don't wait until the moment is just right or you'll spend your life sitting on the shore watching for that never-to-come perfect wave. Carpe diem, as they say Seize every moment and dive on in. The water is fine.What keeps you from letting go of everything and truly worshiping God?I hope that you have a wonderful day.. and that today you can take a huge leap of faith.. jump into the water and see what God has for you!!"

Parlez Vous Francais... Encore?

Hey Cats...

I might have the opportunity to go to Africa this summer, in a pilot program with Pioneers Canada to learn about Missions first- hand. I've applied to a mentorship-type program where I would get to do online course work for 8 months starting in February learning things like Spiritual Formation, Leadership and Development, Cultural Issues and Missions Issues... I would get to glean off of 14 others form Across Canada who are of a simliar place in life- just graduated, or in the process of finishing school and who are thinking that they might want to go into full-time missions one day or be involved in short -term work. It's something that I am really excited about and hope that I get in. One of the places that they go to is Senegal, a French speaking Nation in Africa... it would be SO SWEET to get to go there. I have wanted to go to Africa for missions work ever since I was a little girl and it seems that now perhaps the time is nigh... pray for this if you think about it:)

Wednesday, December 13, 2006

Wait and be renewed...

WAIT on the Lord in humility of heart, that thou
mayest daily feel the change which is wrought in
the heart and conscience by the holy, eternal,
ever-living Power; and so thou mayest witness,
"that which is born of the Spirit, is spirit."
And then thou wilt feel that this birth of the
Spirit cannot fulfil the lusts of the flesh, but
will be warring and fighting the good fight
against them; and thus, in faithfulness to the
truth, and waiting upon the Lord, thou shalt
witness an overcoming, in His due time. Oh, the
conquering faith, the overcoming life and power
of the Spirit! We cannot but speak of those
things; and cry up the perfect gift, and the
power of Him, who is not only able to perfect His
work in the heart, but delights so to do; and
even to tread down Satan under the feet of those
that wait in patience for the perfect conquest.

Monday, December 11, 2006


A new look on sacrifice is in this quote that just came in my daily devotional... I have come to realize that I love doing drama and the things that are giving of yourself- like pouring your heart out into something like teaching and being with SOOO many kids can be super rewarding and doesn't have to be something that you go grudgingly to....

"THAT is what our sacrifice of ourselves shouldbe--"full of life." Not desponding, morbid,morose; not gloomy chilly, forbidding; notlanguid, indolent, inactive; but full of life,and warmth, and energy; cheerful, and makingothers cheerful; gay, and making others gay;happy, and making others happy; contented, andmaking others contented; doing good, and makingothers do good, by our lively vividvitality,--filling every corner of our own soulsand bodies, filling every corner of the circle inwhich we move, with the fresh life-blood of awarm, genial, kindly Christian heart. Doubtlessthis requires a sacrifice; it requires us to giveup our own comfort, our own ease, our ownfiresides, our dear solitude, our own favoriteabsorbing pursuits, our shyness, our reserve, ourpride, our selfishness." ARTHUR P. STANLEY

Thursday, December 07, 2006


Housewarming Friday Nite at 8pm... be there or be square...