"Do it! Do it now!"

In the words of Jer - "Do it!" man a livin' - today was a bit of a mental gongshow- going on NOOO sleep hardly wahtso ever I awoke to find my world all over the place - strange head spaces all day.. to the point where I just couldn't seem to remember anyone's name.
Work was a breeze - half the residents at the home were on vacation so all I had to do was go out for dinner with the boys and watch some disney.
Headed out to Langely for this concert here - The Februaries, Edmund, and the big hot shots - Doubting Paris. The first two were good, well, maybe not the second band (J/K Jer!) and the third one was alright. How's that for insightful musical commentary.
Ok - so that's'a wrap, folks. Oh, except that we got a call from the Albertan side of the fam today - apparently my Grandma might be passing on in the next few days here - who knows - all in the Lord's hands.
thanks for coming to our show. i hope you liked our sound.
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