Gotta be something more...

Well, Jaimie, here it is - my thoughts for the day. For some reason today my drama classes at school went super well- just when I start to feel like I'm finally making connections with my "ARGH!" drama 10 class I have to think about leaving them in a week. It's so beautiful when you have to go through something that is one of the hardest things that you have ever done (anyone who tells you that teaching highschool is a breeze is either crazy or lying) and on the other side you realize that not only have you almost made it through, but you're a better person for it.
I'm really starting to love what I do - I love laughing with the students when crazy things happen - today one of the student's dogs ran into our drama class and she had to chase him all around - and participating with them in the skits, and seeing the lightbulbs go on when they finally get something. I like being able to smile at them in the hallway and have random students come in and join my class just because they want to be there...
Today I had a big talk with my kids about controversial issues, censorship, and appropriatness. This is one thing that I think I will have to deal with however long I choose to be involved with drama - or anything for that matter. How far is too far? What about swearing? Touchy subjects? Should it be based on maturity? How do you measure something like that? Where is the line between respect and having some fun? Ultimatly I think it was good just to get us all on the same page with opening it up for discussion. I want the students to really explore this - we all need to have some sort of filter, don't we?
I think this is one of the things that I am going to love about doing this - I get to see young minds grow and be challenged and have my own beliefs challenged in the process.
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