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Excerpt: "Tell me about yourself"
"Well, I think that I have a great sense of humor..."
"Let's hear a joke then"
Oh shoot, he just asked me to tell a joke. What do I do? I can't think of any on the spot, it's more of something that just flows. And even if I could think of a joke, I don't think that any of them are repeatable - especially in a job interview. Well, I'm just going to have to smile and laugh. Smile and laugh.
"Ha ha! Well, it's not a 'tell a joke' kind of humor, just something that comes out... haha"
Oh crap, he's looking at me funny now. Why did I say that right off the bat? Why couldn't I have just said that I was really nice or something? Nice is easy - just smile and nod, but I have a good sense of humor? Now he's going to expect a regular laugh riot. What if he doesn't think I'm funny? So he'll go back to his meeting today and be like, 'Well, I was thinking about hiring this one gal but then she told me she was funny and she wasn't funny. I told myself, if this girl can make me laught= 3 times, then it's over - she's hired. I think I only managed a chuckle and a slight gaffaw so I wrote her off...
J/K! I think that it went well and I'm hoping for the best - it's in the Lord's hands now. So as I'm writing this I'm realizing how much I miss creative writing. Perhaps I'm going to have to turn this blog into some sort of little saga - like the many adventures of Missy Pumpkinhead or something like that and everyone will read it and I'll get rave reveiws and make millions and then live on a beach in Thailand drinking pineapple margaritas all day and people will phone and I'll have my people call their people and we will do lunch. Sounds like a plan. I'm in:)
Who the heck is Carrie Bradshaw...
Who the heck is Carrie Bradshaw...
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