Last night I scored the extra ticket to go and see Death Cab for Cutie with jer - it was a bit of a gong show because he was working all day and I was teching at the theatre all day and we didn't leave Abby until 630 and the concert started at 7pm in Vancouver - luckily we got there in time for the mainstage events and had a kickass time. The lights and sound were amazing and there were sooo many people there havin' goodtimes. Would go see them again anyday!
that's a really good picture of you and jeremy. glad you had a sweet time. you should come to our show tomorrow for an even sweeter time!
Would have liked to come to your show - had to tech SEVERAL shows a the Director's Festival though - hope that you guys had a great time!
hey, watch who you're calling a gong show. :) nuaa tiy
OK - I'll just call you hot then:P
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