It's amazing what prayer will do and that is what I am choosing to believe in faith this very moment. Around the beginning of September I felt like I was finally getting back on my feet again. After a long bout of doing my own thing and trying to live life the way that I thought I wanted it- a relationship that went downhill, Quebec and all of it's entertainment I went to Mexico where I got a piece of my heart back... where God opened up my eyes to what used to be and to what my heart could look like. What his heart looks like- caring for the orphans (literally), praising him without reserve, thanking him for new believers, and blessing people with food and clothes. I came back so afraid that I would go back to the life that I once knew- one that felt dead, that felt so distant from God. I was sick enough of how I had been living to do something drastic- and I did. I went back to church, I started to pray- and I meant it- I was walking on Spirtual Air and that's also right around the time when blessing after blessing poured into my life- job offers out the wahzoo, a new roomate and the prospect of moving out on my own, meeting a wonderful guy who cares for me SO MUCH, living life in joy and being able to talk to and encourage people with JOY and mean it. The key to all of this seemed to be in being with God and pouring myself into him- in prayer, in all that I did, in my way of looking at life.
After Quebec I felt so selfish- I had bought so many clothes and spent lots of money on, well, whatever I wanted- food, going out, going to frivoulous things like festival after show after whatever all else activity happened to be going on. And then Mexico where I lived in dirt. I took everything that I needed in one small suitcase instead of my overstuffed 2 plus carryons. I lived and played with the kids and hung out with people and the thing that stuck out to me the most was how greatful everyone was there. No matter how long they had been there, it seemed, they were greatful each and every week for the visitors that came in and made a differece helping out wherever they could. I would walk from the warehouse to the printshop and there would be someone else just thanking me for what I could do and for being there. I was blown away- especially after having lived at Laval for a month where it seemed like Gossip was eating us all alive and dissention wreaked havoc everywhere.
The point being- my life was changed and I wasn't even expecting it- I went there on a whim. So all this is a preface for me to question where I am at today. The other night, Dave and I went to Fire and Freedom at CLA in Langley. It was nothing short of amazing. There were people just dancing and singing and we could be there and sing at the top of our lungs an no one would even blink an eye- and even if they would have it felt so free that for the first time in a long time I could honestly say, "Who cares?" I danced. I danced for and with Jesus and it was SO GOOD. I felt so hungry and so thirsty I realized that I have been spiritually starving myself for so long. God is that God- the one who brings joy and peace and who lifts us up. The minute we walked in there we could just feel the power of the spirit so much that we sang just as hard all the way home.
So why all of this chaos in my head? Where does all of that joy go? Why am I so constantly plagued with anxiety and worry and why do I take it out on other people like I do? I screw up- yes and everyone does, but why do I constantly feel the need to point the accusational finger at myself until I completly shut down and keep people out of my life? Psalm 103:9,14 alludes to the fact that "God will not constantly accuse us... for He understands how weak we are; He knows we are only dust." If I can extend grace to drug dealers and homeless people that I meet on the street and the hundreds of people that I have been involved doing ministry for- why can't I seem to extend it to myself and to those close ones around me. It's like I'm this expert wall builder whose the angry type that is constantly yelling at his workers to go faster and builder higher and get the job done right and build up all of these walls. Only if I turned around and looked- I would see that I am the workers- that I'm yelling at myself and blocking out all of those people around me that are there trying to help me see how. Stubborn me sits there with her pride and won't take the hand to help her up.
Tommorow I am going in for prayer counselling- hoping to be rid of it- whatever it may be. I hope that it is not the next- well I'll try this thing and if that doesn't work then I'll try this or that. I'm done with it. Done. Ready to pick up my mat and walk. To touch the cloak. If I can believe in healing for the nations and for the hundreds of people that I've prayed for and will meet throughout my life, then I need to believe that Jesus loves and can heal even a wretched sinner like me. So, if you think about it around 1pm tommorow, pray for me, k? I want to be free.