
This is how I feel today- the tension has mounted astronomically in my shoulders and I'm carrying it in my eyes too. I didn't sleep well last night and it has carried through to my brain- I had to give a unit test today and I lost part of it- I can se eit in my head, but not where I put it, so I had to skip lunch to make another one - so I didn't get to go home for lunch and I've now eaten the pudding that was in my purse and some chips from the vending machine. My phone is at home so I don't have my numbers and I'm freaked about how I'm going to move, paint, get the chairs done, plan 2 new units, get report cards (all 70+ of them individually written) etc by next week. I hate the fact that I feel like I'm taking it out on the people that I love the most, and that I'm not eating, sleeping, resting, or exercising properly. I feel like I want to take a vacation from my head for a few days. Just hug my boyfriend and forget about everything else. Yup- that's my new plan.
I think your new plan is great and hope it happens just the way you plan for it to.
P.S. I love purse pudding hope it was chocolate:-)
CAN I GET AN AMEN!!! Ur boyfriends arms r open and waiting!!
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