White... Rock- Jacob and Lilly

On a fun note- went to go and see Jacob and Lilly the other night t the OB in White Rock- goodtimes with good frends. Hadn't seen Joanne in forever. Would love to ...
You know what- I'm tired of writing about this right now. I just want to ramble- about the stars and the sky and what make s the world go round and how your whole perspective on things can just change the way that the world looks and darkness can be a haven or a hatred depending on how it is perceived.
Also, I am nervous about tommorow- no matter how not nervous I feel, there is definitly something brewing in me that is, I don't know what. I have to/ get to teach French and German for a month- I don't speak German at all! Oh man... here we go with God 100%
I guess you're becoming very well rounded linguistically - French, Spanish... German? How is it so far?
its alright...and then there was today at the picnic- playing that game with all of the Korean ladies from church- pretty soon I won't know what the heck to say:)
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