L'ille de Orleans...

Saturday we went to the Ille d' Orleans and it was really cool.
1. My camera did at the beginning though so I only got shots of the waterfall which was gorgeous but you had to walk down 480 steps... apparently it is even taller than Niagra. Anyhoo, that day we got to have fresh bread on the beach and a nice french guy served me a bowl of all the flavours of Sorbet (only he was talking to me in English and pronouced it Sor bet- I tried to explain to him that in English we say it the French way too but he didn't get it:) .
2. We went to an old house with a funny 14 year old guide dressed up in pantaloons and long socks who told us funny stories about history and kept making jokes - like he showed us the master bedroom and said that they drew the curtains for intimacy and then he pointed to the candle that was right next to the bed and reminded us that it was made from seal fat- which in French is the word phoque- pronounced exactly as you might think it is... oh man, and then he started to laugh really pubecently with his voice crackin- he was hilarious.
3. We toured a vineyard with black currents and had a wine tasting- yum yum and brought some back for mom and dad
4. Had a tour of the maritime museum out on the water... they divided us into groups according to our french levels but I still hardly understood a lot of it. I did learn the french word for fishery which is a peche...
5. After a lot of ice cream and fun times I headed home for a long long long nap..
6. And then it was off to this rad singing bar called Boneparte (after the famous Napoleon) where we sang French and English songs all night with a rowdy crowd - and a whole lotta enthusiasm. Everyone here in Quebec sings- and we sang our guts out even if we didn't know half the words. It was funny cause there was a huge couple of tables in this tiny place with us Anglophones and so we would shout out the English songs and all the French would stare at us and then they would giver on the French Folk ones- it was a team effort! Good times, good times. I'll say it again- I love this place!
The whole singing in bars thing sounds like so much fun. Perhaps we should start a Quebecian tradition right here at home when you return and start singing in the bars...do you think the Fraser Valley would be receptive?
Somehow I think not.
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