Ange "the cat" Mandel

Saturday, July 15, 2006

La Cabine au Sucre

The Sugar Shack, the place where lumberjacks lie, the good old fashioned, everything made of maple syrup, dancing hoedown of a place where all that is French and Canadian comes together as one. Can I just tell you that it's not a good idea to start doing , "Slapleather" unless you are fully aware of your surroundings? I looked back and after some rounds of playing the spoons and doing a mass group macarena it was time for some line dancing of sorts and the leaders seemed to just be grapevining over and over. So I pull out the old shindig we all learned back in grade 10 and low and behold I have a group of 20 or 25 people all following along behind me... AHH! Who knew? French learner, and line dancer extrodinaire!


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