Mexico - mi amor, mi casa

So the past week I have been in Mexico, on a whirlwind trip down to the Orphanage in St. Vincente de Geurrero, Mexico. I flew down to Sandiego and then had a bus ride to the trolley, walked across the boarder (they don't even need passports there!) and then another couple of buses until I arrived 12hours later to Matt's smiling face at the bus stop. Sweet deal.
Some highlights:
- The kids- so cute and lovable- It felt like the first time that I've genuinely laughed and laughed in a long time. Just seeing their beautiful smiles and getting to chase them around!
- Meeting the other staff and volunteers- yeah for cool people... I met some rad folks that I just loved hanging out with- Esther and Mark, Jen, April, Brianne, Matt, Mark, and Time, Lic, and whole gang
- Speaking spanish - after 5 weeks of French it was funny trying to be in another culture was headspinning but rad. I just kept saying a lot of French words with a spanish twist and sometimes it worked!
- The outreach times- so many times in the past while I've been growing more and more cynical and skeptical of Missions and evangelism but here it actually works! I heard so many stories of God's faithfulness, saw people respond in powerful ways to the gospel, being fed and clothed and getting saved- not like the Hard shells of North America.
- Being at peace and living the simple life- I loved just riding around in the back of the trucks, getting dirty ( by the end of the week I had gotten used to it), boogie boarding at the beach, etc
- The adventures - I can laugh at them now- falling asleep on the bus and missing our stop and having to spend the night at the bus station, our plane getting cancelled but getting to spend the afternoon at the beach in Sandiego.... good times!
Hey Angela.. it's April. I just wanted to let you know that it was really cool meeting you 2! We'll have to meet up sometime... if you want to use some of your Spanish let me know and you can come to church with me :) You have some great pictures on this site! Take car.. Dios Te Bendiga!! (God Bless)
Hey Ang..nice to read about and see pictures of Mexico. So glad you got to go where we were and that it was such a great experience for you. Dios te bendiga de Luisa y Guiermo tambien!
I didn't know that you knew Tim Walters. Thats cool...anyways..chow
- jordan todd
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