You snooze... you cruise!

Monday night we got to take a boat cruise around the St. Laurence goodtimes... dancing, partying, chatting with the amigos... all in good fun.
Pics: Me and some good peeps- oh and on another random note... I get this message on my answering machine the other day and it's Andy (I feel like I've already written this blog... have I?O) and he's all, "Uh, Hey Ange... just wondering how you were doing and, uh, I'm in your lobby!" Crazy. Who in the world just shows up in your lobby in Quebec? Anyhoo, he was on a mission's trip in Montreal and then just hopped on over. Good times.
Let's see, what else can I say... I'm tired and my head hurts from French. Yesterday I could barely order a hamburger my brain was so fried. And then I got fries to boot- haha! I'm so drole. No, not really:) Come on, photos, publish already.
You see, this time thing at the bottom is still set on Pacific time, so it's really almost 1am here... I've just been to the Spectacle Francais- the last little show of the school. It was good times- I was a part of the theatre presentation so we were clowns- blacks and full makeup including the nose- but it was fun cause I got to be the trickster clown who plays all the jokes on everyone. And the only black t-shirt that I had was my one that says "Secret Identity" on it which made me happy:)O
I was just talking to Matt Street on msn and he told me that the beach- a clear, clean, swimming, boogy boardable beach is only 5 minutes away from where we will be staying in Mexico. Hallelujah, praise the Lord, I am so ready for some non-action. Some crazy rest on the sand, swim in the water, drink a margarita laisez-faire good time. Not that I'm saying that Quebec hasn't been RAD- I'm just starting to feel like I need a vacation from my "vacation/studies". Plus, I am like a fish- I need to be in water:)P
Some essential downtime, good time, rest time, reflect time, breathing time. Some singing, playing an instrument time where I get to breathe in the air with my whole body and bask in the peace and contentment of a natural day, evening, and on into the night. I hope that there is a full moon when I am down there... I think that would be one of the most beautiful things I've ever seen- a full moon on the beach in the south with sand and surf and the background hum of distant latin music and laughter.
Um, Mexico???? Wha???
Didn't I tell you? I'm flying to Vancouver and then from there to Sandiego right away and headin' down by bus the rest of the way to some random town in Mexico where Matt is working at an orphanage... good times! Part of the adventure of discovery!
Yep that's Andy for you! I was checkin out your blog to see if he made into your pics, and there he was! That Brohter in Law of mine sure gets around!
Nice to see what you've been up to. Have a great time in Mexico!
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