Ange "the cat" Mandel

Tuesday, October 24, 2006

So I guess the lesson plan of the week is on Communication... I think because I have 10-15 thoughts racing through my head at any given time, that everyone can probably see them all wrtten boldly accross my forehead, no matter how much of a calm and composed face I can muster up at the time. Hence the forgetfulness in letting people know what is really going on inside- I forget that not everyone thinks like this, and even if they did, it would even be more important to keep each other updated on where things were at, otherwise we'd all be lost. How's that for physco-babble? Anyhoo, the main point is that God is good, and peaceful and He fills us with a rest that will calm our hearts and minds:)


At 7:39 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Communication is a very important! No one can read ur thoughts and that is another important lesson. Try to keep people (me) up to date with "whats really goin on inside" and "where ur at." U have a beautiful mind and I love exploring it, especially the unchartered territories. God is good and he has put me in ur life to bring u His peace...remember that!

At 12:03 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I can read minds! I know what your thinking your saying, no you can't but I just did.


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