Hey there... last night I had one of the most amazing times. I had just come from watching a funny movie with Lisa and Stephanie (and Kiera who was playing with Lisa's dog... if you want to see something ridiculous- watch a Shitzu/Maltese try to strut her stuff against a full-grown black lab/cross) Anyhoo, afterwards me and Steph decided to go for a walk. The wind was howling (this was about 1130 or 1230 at night, depending on which half of the time switch you were on) and leaves were falling everywhere. It just felt so powerful to be out side at a time like that. I was SO happy- just feeling the wind, being blasted by the power of God through nature, and talking about how amazing Dave is and what a gift he is to me. I was telling Steph all of these wonderful things and then we laid down in my driveway and just experienced the wind in the tree... when we looked up the wind was just tearing through it- and leaves were falling all around- we were in automn-in-action. Then I felt this overwhelming urge to just pray over Steph and for the person that God will bless her with - as soon as I did the wind picked up 10 notches or so and I practically had to yell the prayer so she could still hear me... it was so amazing. I feel like I was just SO aware of how much God loves us and how he wants to give good GIFTS to his children. It's nothing that we deserve, but through Christ who washes away our inadequacies and reveals beauty. Wow... I slept well last night:)
U r a blessing
Ange, look at the amazing woman of God you are blooming into...I love it.
you are definitely a blessing
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