D-Fest 2006

Ok the preshow music is on- check and double check. Audience is filing in... wait for an elbow from Jamie- yup we're good to go for the opening cue. Ok, bring that level down - set up the disc, fade that up... nice- everyting looks great so far.
Oh man, this is such a funny play - Marretta and Chris did such a great job on it- not to mention Patrick - where did he find this play? Ok, well, I've got at least 20 pages until the next cue, maybe if I just rest my head down a little. Oh, careful not to bump the light board- wouldn't want to set them up in a blackout- that would suck.
Ok, there, that's nice, just cozy up in my little fuzzy sweater and rest my tired little head on my elbow. Breath in, breath out Breath in, breath out.
Gosh, this play sure is funny... oooh. I think my breathing is getting heavier... yup, definitely a steady rythm developing. Oh gosh, Ange, you're not allowed to fall asleep again. Must arise for the gun shot. Ok, just lift up your head slowly out of la la land and into reality.
"Well, Raggy, I haven't seen much movement comin' out of you in the last while, either!"
"Much movement? What do you mean Baggy?"
"Well, you know..."
Ok, it's all good, they're still arguing, no need to panic yet. Oh I'm glad its this play right now, I couldn't handle anything anymore complicated - sigh, but still 3 more to go and the night is still young. Stay awake, must stay awake... :)
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